Master Link

TDC NexGen announces new natural language ChatGPT 3.5 query tool. Now you can 'Speak' your request and ChatGPT will query your database and respond. So, for example you can say 'Give me name and address for donors who have not given in the last 12 months whose HPC gift was greater than $50'. Cool Innovation!


It's not about managing data. It's about reaching donors.

Treat every donor with the same care you show your high-dollar donors and you'll discover something quite remarkable. Those low-dollar folks start to bump up their average gift.

Why? Because donors are people and people respond with warmth and generosity when their goodwill is acknowledged. Remember, donors treated as valued friends and partners will keep on giving.

Get fast, easy online access to your masterfile with MASTERLINK.

Immediate, on-demand access to your files opens a whole new worldof marketing opportunities! The Data Center has developed its ownunique fundraising systems and services to make it easier for you to "reach in and touch someone."



The Data Center offers:

  • Unlimited donation histories, sustainer and high-dollar master record components - with unlimited memo fields, seasonal addressand phone/mail programs.
  • Fast, inexpensive insight into donor behavior through many online (OLAP) and hardcopy statistical reports.
  • Custom file segmentation - decide how simple or complex your files should be.
  • Easy integration with today's most popular word processing, statistical, spreadsheet and presentation programs.

Our hardware and software works hard so you don't have to.

The Data Center employs two state-of the-art, third generation IBM mainframe computers: IBM 9121 Model 520. These powerful mainframes work twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year!  Seven MS windows servers handle TCPIP and FTP.

The Data Center MASTERLINK software is written by The Data Center employees in COBOL and Assembler computer languages. Such a design allows flexible transfer of software to future generations of IBM computers without major changes in programming. Software written and under control of The Data Center insures you of continued access and continual improvement of the systems. Enhanced versions of our software, based on new technology and user suggestions, are released several times a year allowing our users additional services and increased speed!

Only the best will do...,

The Data Center employs IBM ESA, VSAM and CICS operating system software, first LOGIC NCOA postal enhancement and pre-sort including palletization software, IBM Web Services, XML and JSP services, or Attachmate EXTRA and Windows LAN gateway communications software, and Visual Basic by Microsoft graphical user interface software -- providing our users with the highest software technology in the industry and seamless data integration necessary for the global offices of today.





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