Whos Who



Who's Who

The Data Center employees are the keys in unlocking the power of our hardware and software. In addition to unmatched expertise in programming and direct mail, all Data Center employees have extensive training in customer service -- all the better to serve our clients!

Jim Burton

Jim Burton 's experience is only one of the reasons The Data Center has become a success in the direct mail non profit world. His early programming experience includes development of accounting systems for local banks, supporting the Polaris Missile System by designing Trajectory Simulation Systems and Entry/Re-entry Simulation programs, development of Statistical Financial Reports for Naval Ships Systems Command and formation of payroll and personnel systems for the Peace Corps and Spectre 70. Jim has since formed several software design companies which provide software design, implementation and


end product use for direct mail and other related software systems. Under Jim's direction, these firms developed and implemented subscription fulfillment and membership systems for non profit associations and political clients. Through the years, Jim refined these systems to include fundraising, information retrieval, volunteer utilization, statistical analysis, voter identification and persuasion, poll analysis and pc interfacing. Expansions of these firms led to divisions in copy development and package design, printing, mailing and end product evaluation. In 1989 he focused those thirty years of technical experience into the design and development of MASTERLINK. It is Jim's leadership in combining Legacy systems with client-server enterprise wide pc systems that is moving the The Data Center into the 21st century.

Henry Monti

Henry Monti is the chief programmer of mission critical mean low time failure software at The Data Center. One of Henry's first programming accomplishments was the development and implementation of an on-line membership system for the Chicago Motor Club. As a programmer for the Army, Henry was a team leader in automating the Navy Fleet Broadcast Communications -- successful in taking the US Navy from 75 word per minute teletype and mountains of paper to satellite communications. Henry's programming talents were also used in Front End Processing Projects to reduce the workload of host Univac processors to allow for faster processing. At The Data Center, Henry has created the high level direct mail oriented SQL language for clients to easily update and retrieve their data. Henry draws upon years of successful programming accomplishments to help The Data Center and its clients run their programs faster and better.

Jeremy Rinker

Jeremy started his IT career 30 years ago with TDC and has honed those experiences into mastery of C## .  A large portion of TDC's web app are written on C## for speed and transporability.  Jeremy is responsible for designing and updating the core products that The Data Center offers to it's direct mail clients.  Unwilling to use 'off the shelf' products that require extensive workarounds to accomplish direct mail goals, TDC specifically chose to write it's own app to have 100% control over the design, ease of use, and the ability to quickly comply with non standard database designs.  You control the software not the software controlling you !



Cliff Schmidt

Cliff Schmidt has over thirty years of data processing and direct mail experience. Employed as a data processor and active as a client account representative, Cliff's mainframe and pc experience is extensive - including hardware and software such as UNIX, DOS, VSE, CICS, Wang operating systems, Windows interface, DBASE IV, Word Perfect, FoxPro, Paradox and Lotus123. This experience combined with a solid background of direct mail and strong communication skills make Cliff one of The Data Center's most competent and productive employees.


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